To meet our Service Level Agreements designed around your working hours

Our mission
“To provide enterprise grade technology to small businesses.”
Our vision
“To empower business’ to grow by using the latest technology.”
Our Services Help
One-man band Services
Even the smallest and most humble of companies have benefited from outsourcing their IT services. Chances are you didn’t get into business to worry about admin and the technology you use. Being a sole trader or single employee can be both liberating and frustrating. You don’t have anyone to answer to, but you have no one to help if something goes wrong.
Do you have a landline number? Did you know that people are more likely to trust a company that has a fixed number? It makes your business more human, more real. The issue is that you won’t be by a physical desk phone all hours of the day. We have set up several one-man-band businesses to have a virtual landline number on their mobile phone!
Small office Services
As soon as you start to grow, you will notice you need more tech. They will need the right computers to do the right job, in most cases a small form factor PC will do for all admin needs. What if you need more specialised technology? Do you know what the best solution is for you? We work with many small businesses so they can just hand it off to the experts. Allowing more time to be spent working on the business instead of working in the business.
Work from anywhere
With the move to the new hybrid way of working. Businesses are becoming more reliant on the cloud and the internet. What happens if a client calls your company’s number? Can you put them in contact with the right person? Call forwarding is the most expensive way to divert calls, when you can give everyone in the team their own extension at a fraction of the cost. It doesn’t matter where in the world you choose to be, all you need is a computer and an internet connection! Imagine the freedom of having a long weekend away without worrying about losing business, or using up all of your holiday days.
Fresh produce industry Services
Probably the most dedicated sector we work with, the fresh produce industry is 24/7. They need to service their clients at any time of the day, and they need services for every hour of the day. We are one of the few IT solutions providers that offer a truly 24/7 customer care service. Our thought process is that technology doesn’t work to a nine-to-five workday, so neither should we.
Everything in between
We pride ourselves on the diversity of sectors we work with, and the multitude of solutions we have supplied. No matter the size, sector or need, we have seen it. Check out our LiveFarmer software for better farm management. Have you found your business is not growing with you? Are you spending more time putting out fires than bringing in business? Do you want to move to the hybrid office? No matter what you need, we have the solution for you!