The list of all components needed for a pc​


Before you can setup a PC, you will need to purchase one. The specification of the hardware you need comes down to what you are going to use the PC for. The more demanding applications will require better hardware, so make sure you check the minimum requirements for each program you will be using.  Check out the Finding the best PC for your needs section for more information.  


Once you have purchased your new PC, you will need to carefully take it out of the packaging. You should ideally remove tape by wither using your hands, or a box cutter. If you do need to use a sharp tool, then you need to be careful not to damage the PC, and other components.

Lift out the PC base unit carefully and place it upright to avoid damage. Layout the contents of the box on the desk in front of you; making it easier to Connect up a PC. There will be the main PC unit, and a power cable provided as a minimum. If you have bought a bundle, it may also contain a keyboard, mouse, webcam, and other peripherals. 

Before you start plugging in all the cables to Connect up a PC and boot it up, decide where it is going to live. You want it to be close to your monitor and desk, in order to easily connect everything. Some desks will have a designated space for the PC, but most office desks are open plan. Ensure the space allows for adequate airflow, and access to the front ports.  

Connect up a PC's devices

Now the PC is in the right place, you can start plugging in the essentials. In order to get the PC started and interactable, you will need a PC, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. There are other devices and cables you will need to set up things like internet access, and video calling.  


The mouse is the main device you use for interacting with your PC. Newer devices connect via the USB ports. Older devices may have a 6 pin PS/2 connection. Although rare, if you are using this connection, then make sure it is plugged into the green slot. A wireless mouse has a receiver that is connected via USB, offering more convenience. You will need to change the batteries or charge the mouse periodically. 


The quickest way of entering information into your personal computer, the keyboard is commonly plugged into the PC via USB. Older devices may be using the 6 pin PS/2 connector, coloured in purple. Wireless keyboards, like wireless mouses, uses a receiver plugged into a USB slot.  

Ethernet cable and Wi-Fi devices

Depending on the device, you may have a Wi-Fi adapter installed already. If you are using an external adapter, you will need to need to install the drivers before it will work. To get on the internet immediately, plug in an ethernet cable into the ethernet port. This will make the initial Windows setup quick and easy.  


Connect up a PC to a screen connection

There are multiple ways you can link your PC to the monitor, each option requires a different cable and connectorVGA is the older connection type that uses a 15-pin connectionDVI is similar, but able to support higher resolutions. DVI is less common and uses 24 pins to form a connection. The most used connection is HDMI, which is also used for connecting devices to your TV at home. The connection is universal, and both sides of the connection are the same.  


All that I left to do is plug in the power supply into the monitor. You should see a standby light on the front of the monitor, or the display will brighten. This will indicate the power cable is working.  

Power cable

The final core connection you need is the power cable to the PC itself. The base unit has a large socket that takes a 3-pin cable, known as a kettle lead, and is plugged directly into the mains. There are additional peripherals you may wish to connect at this time, but can also be added later. 

Optional Connections you can Connect up to a PC

Speakers or headphones

If you need sound, and your monitor does not have built-in speakers, then you can plug a set of headphones or external speakers into the audio jack or USB. You don’t need sound to get started, but is a common addition. 


With the shift of more businesses conducting video calls, you may need to connect an external webcam. Most monitors don’t come with a preinstalled camera. The web cam is also not an essential device to get started.  

Printers and scanners

Although most of these machines work on the wireless network, some older printers will require a connection via USB. It will also require drivers and software to be installed in order to work.  

Power the machine on

Now that everything is installed, press the power button, that is located either on the front, or top of the PC unit. If everything is connected properly, you will see the start-up screen, and will be able to move the mouse and type on the keyboard.  

How different is the set up for an Apple Mac?

Connecting up a PC shouldn’t be too different to set up. Depending on the particular Apple device, the cabling is either similar or exactly the same. The iMac is an all-in-one solution, so all you need to connect up a PC is the power cable. The keyboard and mouse are wirelessly connected, and won’t connect until you turn on the device.   

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